

  • 品牌Yekoon



At present, liquid nitrogen is generally used for deep-freezing and quick-freezing drying of high-grade seafood and fruits. Liquid nitrogen is liquid nitrogen, the liquid temperature is -196℃, is inert, colorless, odorless, non-corrosive, non-combustible, generally from steel mills, coal chemical equipment supporting the air separation device. Seafood is generally required to be processed near the coast to maintain the quality and taste of seafood. Using liquid nitrogen for cryogenic quick freezing requires liquid nitrogen tank truck for long-distance transportation and distribution; The low temperature gas after the use of liquid nitrogen can not be recycled, and it is directly vented, resulting in the loss of cold capacity and waste of resources. At the same time, the use of liquid nitrogen requires downstream users to configure independent liquid nitrogen storage tanks for storage, liquid nitrogen in the process of transportation and storage, if there is a leak, it is easy to cause local anoxic asphyxia environment, causing great harm to life and property.
Liquid air, is the liquid air, is colorless, tasteless, safe and reliable, liquid temperature of -194℃, the company developed mobile liquid air production equipment directly produce ultra-low temperature liquid air products, instead of liquid nitrogen for seafood, fruit cryogenic quick freezing and drying, to overcome the shortcomings of liquid nitrogen; The use of liquid air instead of liquid nitrogen not only reduces the cost of deep-freezing and quick-freezing seafood and fruits, but also avoids the leakage of liquid nitrogen causing harm to life and damage to property.

    联系人: 范经理
    电话: 15252833288
    Email: Contact@yekoon.com
    微信: Yekoon
    地址: 江苏省连云港市灌南县李集新城A2栋6号,222505